Let's Talk About Sex...

The Task:
During a sermon series on sex and sexuality, my job was to illustrate the concept of sexual temptation, especially in regard to single people.
The Concept:
After a few rewrites, we landed on the idea of a guy preparing for a nice date, only to be hounded by his altar ego, who like the proverbial "Devil-on-the-shoulder" keeps suggesting that he abandon his principles.
The Players:
Jeff Bernstein (as Marcus), Ian Liardon (as the Altar Ego) and Michelle Sagor (as Diana).
My Favorite Part:
Three. Ian dancing to Marvin Gaye. Ian going to grab Michelle's butt, and the fact that I was able to work in a reference to both Color Me Badd and the pottery scene in Ghost in one script.
You can view it on YouTube by clicking below. Or, if you'd like, you can view it in a higher resolution by clicking here.
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