Thursday, June 09, 2005

Josh Shipp Speaks To Group of Mutants: Hijinks Ensue

Last night, I had my buddy Ryan Roberts and his girlfriend Michelle over for dinner last night, and I was telling them that story from my men's Bible study the other night. My friend Josh Shipp, who is a travelling motivational speaker, was telling us that he was up in Napa, speaking this past week. Now, Napa is Wine Country, which is a known to be a wee bit affluent. Anyway, Josh was telling us hat he spoke in this junior high school that was literally built like a mansion. He was saying there was like, mahogony furniture in all the classrooms and there was a 3-million dollar auditorium - for a middle school.

And one of the guys Jon was like,

"Oh, and how are the kids and Professor X doing?"

And then someone else said,

"The assembly was great, but all these fires just kept blazing up out of nowhere."

And then Jeff Rev was like,

"And all the doorknobs were covered in ice."

And then I was like,

"And there was this kid in the front row made out of rock."

Man, that was funny. I'm know that what is said in group is supposed to say in group, but I am going to keep breaking confidentiality, because that joke was funny.


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