So this past week was my Spring Break, so of course Nicole and I packed our bathing suits and headed off to Wisconsin.
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Dave. Did you just say you went to
Wisconsin? For
Spring Break?"
Yes. Yes I did. Nicole and I had never been there in April, so...
Actually, the reason for us spending a week in sunny, tropical Wisconsin (official motto: Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers) is not because it is a fantastic vacation getaway, but because it is close to our friends, the Zimans. My buddy Jonathan moved to Chicago last August to attend Trinity Theological Seminary. And if that wasn't bad enough, he took his wife and kids with him. Something about answering the call of God. Blah blah blah.
So, Nicole and I decided to fly into Chicago, have them pick us up in their mini-van. By the way, a note on minivans. The Zimans, with their large-ish family, drive The 2003 Honda Oddysey. Five-star safety rating, dual-side airbags, room for seven, powerful V6 engine, boomin' system, DVD players pumpin' out Veggie Tales. His ride is pimped. I was slightly jealous, which undoubtedly will cause people to make fun on me, but I don't care. The chassis of an SUV, the smooth handling of a car, coupled with Honda's reliability and affordability? Are you kidding me? Wipe the drool.
Anyway, back to Wisconsin. (As I write this, I realize that I'm sounding lamer and lamer.)
So, we hopped off the plane in Chicago, and drove with the Zimans up to Wisconsin. Needless to say, I guess you could say this whole trip was a scientific experiment, testing my hypothesis about friendship.
Tieche's Friendship Postulate 173.1: It doesn't matter where you are or what you are doing, if you're with really good friends, then it'll be fun.
As risky experiment, I know, but it all turned out well. One small example. Whilst we were driving up to the Great White North, we were passing some rural towns, and driving along the highway when we saw a truck with some advertisting painted on it. As we got closer, we saw what the advertising was for. The company's name was:
Doody Call
We do Doggy Doo Doo - So you don't have to
And this was on the side of the truck:

Look at that artistry. I can imagine the conversations that must have occurred.
BOB: Now, Jimbo, I like the dog.
JIMBO: I made him squatting.
BOB: Yes. I like the sense that this poo is happening right now. And I like the pile of accumulated poo underneath him.
JIMBO: Did you notice the stink fume lines?
BOB: Yes, that's good.
JIMBO: Do you think I need to add more?
BOB: No, I think six lines is enough. Too many more, people might think it's grass, or something. Might confuse people.
JIMBO: Good point.
BOB: So I think that. But...
BOB: I think a logo for our company needs is a sense of...well...action. Our company is about action. Movement. Going, getting, scooping. So, maybe if we added something. You know, like we got the sense that this was something that was happening RIGHT NOW.
JIMBO: So, maybe like, add something
BOB: Yeah, maybe something...
JIMBO: Another turd?
BOB: Yeah, maybe, you that hasn't been squeezed off yet.
JIMBO: So, like have the dog be in mid-pinch.
BOB: Yes! Yes, like that! That logo is now perfect.
Good night