One liberated an entire people from enslavement and an evil dictator - the other was a Biblical figure....
This past Easter, our family say down to watch the movie Prince of Egypt. Nicole and I figured it was a good non-4-hour, non-Charlton Heston way to illustrate and show Justus the story of Passover. Which obviously ties into Jesus.
At any rate, immediately afterward, Justus picked up a dowel rod that we use as a brace for our sliding glass door and began walking around with it.
"Look at me!" Justus said, proudly walking with his "rod" which was roughly as tall as him.
"Are you like Moses?" Nicole asked.
"Noooooo," Justus said, matter-of-factly, as if we were dumb for asking. "I'm Yoda."
That fact that my son just turned four and has working knowledge of the life and works of both Moses and Yoda makes my heart soar in ways you cannot imagine.
Now, if you'll excuse me, it's bedtime and I have to begin training my son on the finer points of the Apostle Paul and Boba Fett.
how do you kno all this stuff? great blog!!!
8:00 AM
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