David and Goliath: Not Really a Kid's Story

Shown here, Carravagio's famous and bloody portrayal of the story of David and Goliath. You can see more of this shocking and rebellious painter's work here.
So Justus and I play every night when I get home from work, often by wrestling on the bed. Recently, he's been interested in re-enacting various Bible stories, especially David and Goliath.
I play the role of Goliath, and I say, "Who wants to fight me?" and Justus says, "I grab five smooth stones!" and then he pretends to pick up rocks, counting out louad, "One, two, three, four, five." Then, he turns to me, takes a menacing stance and twirls his arms around and says, "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh - THROW!"
He then proclaims, "I hit you right between the eyes!" And I pretend to be "knocked out." What's a bit more disturbing is that sometimes he jumps over to me and says, "I cut off your head!"
I'm kidding. He doesn't say that. But every time I read him his children's Bible, I keep thinking, "Well, that's technically how the story ends."
I can't wait until Noah's Ark. Whoever decided that the complete destruction of the world was a good theme for children's nurseries?
Let's just hope that this story and this story don't make it into a Children's Bible anytime soon.
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