Sunday, April 10, 2005

Darth Vader drives a Hybrid?

I was talking to my buddy Jonathan Ziman, aka Jay-Z, Sunday morning as he was driving back up from LA, where he and his wife and two little girls had just spent a week's vacation.

Now, as some of you know, NorCal folks are a lot different than SoCal folks. For example, NorCal folks might own SUVs, but they at least use them to drive up in the mountains. SoCal people have giant vehicles just to look good. I read an article the other day about how folks were putting multiple televisions in H2 Hummers. Honk if you're changing channels.

Anyway, there are a lot of vanity plates in SoCal, mainly because there is a lot of vanity. And Jonathan was driving back and we had this exchange. I thought it was funny.

JZ: Oh man, the car in front of me has a personalized license plate.
DAT: Yeah? What is it.
JZ: It reads: SITHLRD
DAT: Sith Lord?
JZ: Yeah.
DAT: Sith. Like Star Wars, Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith?
JWZ: I guess. Funny thing is, the license plate is on a Corolla.
DAT: Hahaha.
JWZ: Somehow, I imagined an intergalatic warlord driving something more...menacing.
DAT: Is it at least black?
JWZ: A Corolla...
DAT: Jonathan, but you have to remember how fuel efficient the new Corollas are. I mean, even Sith Lords have to recognize.
JWZ: He's got the yellow ribbon on the side that says, "Support our Troops."
DAT: Hahaha.
JWZ: That doesn't seem like a Evil Emperor of Darkness kind of thing to do.
DAT: Maybe he means, "Support the troops in the Imperial Army that are systematically enslaving and destroying every known race of people across the galaxy."
JWZ: Yeah, maybe it's Support the Clone Troops.
DAT: That'd make more sense.


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