I'm Lost and I don't want to be found...

Holy Crap.
Did you see last night's episode of "Lost?" Holy crap. The last three minutes, I just sat there stunned. Man. Holy crap.
I figured that Ana Lucia would get killed off, seeing as how Michelle Rodriguez didn't seem to want to be part of the show for more than a year, but Libby? What the heck are they going to do with that plot line?
I read this comment on a post. I thought it was pretty interesting.
Ana-Lucia finally showed repentence,and acknowledged that her act of vengeance was wrong. Hence, her failure to be able to shoot Henry. All members have died in this plane crash. This island represents Purgatory. The seven deadly sins which are all represented here one way or the other. Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust, Envy, Anger, and Covetousness.
I'm not sure about the whole "Island as Purgatory" thing, but I do see each of the deadly sins. Here are some questions I have:
• Michael seems to be doing what he's doing because he has been threatened. He seems to be leading his friends into a trap, much like Lando Calrissian. Does he have "the virus" that makes people go crazy, has he been brainwashed, or did he make a deal with "the others" trying to get his son back?
• Is Libby dead? Do we know? Will Jack be able to save her?
• From the preview of next week's show it appeared that Eko will be killed next. Are you kidding me? He's my favorite character on the show.
• Jack's father and Ana Lucia travelled down under and it turns out Jack's dad has a daughter with a woman who looks an awful lot like Claire. Hmm.
• I liked the flashback scene in Australia with Sawyer running into Jack's father's door as he opened it. Nice.
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7:06 AM
So this was a weird experience. You'll notice I've taken my original post down. I was actually hoping to do that before "Uncle" saw it because it was too biting and acerbic. I also didn't know that "Uncle" was a relative of Kari's - if I did, I wouldn't have written my post the way I did.
But then I was thinking that that doesn't make sense, because relative of Kari's or not, I should treat people with the same amount of kindness. So that was convicting. Which is why I took the post down.
I stick by my arguments, but I don't stick by my tone.
Sorry, Uncle. I am interested in hearing more about life in non-American culture, as I'm sure that there is much to be learned.
7:33 AM
Wow, a BA, BSc, MA, MSc, MBA *and* a PhD all in 2 weeks! That's awesome.
You know what, I *do* owe it to my future. I think I'm going to call.
(Side note - how do I owe something my future exactly? That's a really bizarre phrase)
By the way, a couple of things I think we can all agree with:
1. Watching too much TV is a waste of time and often leads us away from God and the work he wants us to do. Note, I said "too much" TV. Meaning, when watching TV becomes an addictive action.
2. Reality TV is, for the most part, socially acceptable voyeurism and something we'll probably look back on and cringe to think about its popularity.
I think I can say that "Lost" is the only show I "have" to watch. Anything else that's on is hit or miss. If it's late and we're tired and my brain is washed out from too much studying then a 30 minute comedy is nice. I'd prefer to watch a movie though. Something of high caliber, with excellent writing and great character development.
Like when we rented The Fantastic Four. ;-)
I'm looking forward to renting "Capote" after finals are over, since I heard it was good and we read the book "In Cold Blood" in grad school and spent a lot of time talking about it.
6:41 AM
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