
There was a show on a few years back called "The Equalizer." The Equalizer (Robert McCall) is a former agent of a shadowy, unnamed government agency, who is trying to make up for the unspoken sins of his past. His atonement comes in the form of an advertisement in the New York Yellow Pages that features this quote - "GOT A PROBLEM? ODDS AGAINST YOU? CALL THE EQUALIZER!"
I don't remember much about the show, but I do remember that at the end of every show, the bad guy really got what was coming for him.
There's something intensely satisfying about this.
Which is why I nearly cheered when I read this story. The US State Department has changed its rules for passport acquisition. Now, it will deny a passport to any non-custodial parent who owes more than $2,500 in child support. To get a passport, you have to pay.
In all, states have reported collecting at least $22.5 million through the program thus far in 2007. The money is then forwarded to the parent to whom it is owed.
"For us, it's been amazing to see how people who owe back child support seem to be able to come up with good chunks of money when it involves needing their passport," said Adolfo Capestany, spokesman for the state of Washington's Division of Child Support. "Folks will do anything to get that passport, so it is a good collection tool."
Finally, mothers and children who have been abandoned by the father get some recompense. The Equilizer would be proud.
You can read the story here.
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