Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I agree with Chuck...

There was a guy I knew in high school. He was quiet, mostly, and reserved. His name was Chuck. He was the opposite of me: he spoke after he'd thoroughly thought things through. He was measured and articulate. In short, he was both smart and wise. Again, the opposite of me.

And so the running joke in our history class was, "I agree with Chuck."

I find myself doing that a lot with a guy named Jim Wallis, who is an evangelical preacher devoted to important social issues of the day, but devoted in phrasing the issues in a more thoughtful way than most rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth, you-agree-with-me-or-you're-a-spawn-of-Satan Christians who seem to get all the play in the national media.

Recently, I came across this interview with Jim Wallis, done by Christianity Today.

Wallis' point about the pre-natal test to determine if a baby has Down's Syndrome struck a particular chord with me since a colleague of mine recently had a daughter who was born with Down Syndrome. If it's true that even the most staunchly conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said in a rare interview with 60 minutes that there isn't a constitutional mandate for outlawing abortion, then who will change this "throw-away culture" that's been created. Ideally, Christians.

I don't know if you'll agree with everything that Wallis says, but his thoughts are Biblical, thoughtful and presented diplomatically.

Worth a read.


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