Thursday, April 14, 2005

Random News

Mac Announced New OS. They're calling it Tiger. I feel like they're secretly going through all the The Thundercats. First there was Panther. Then Jaguar. Uhh, what large cats are left? Mountain Lion? Bobcat? Puma? Or maybe they'll move away from the Felis species and into the realm of canis. Wolf. Greyhound. Snauzer.

Christian Terrorist Bombed People So this crazy dude, Eric Rudolph was finally caught. This was the guy who bombed the 1996 Olympics and several abortion clinics. He killed 2 people and injured 110 in his spree. He says he is a Christian, which is the kind of thing that kind of makes you ill, if you're Christian. His reason for killing? This is his answer from a CNN transcript. "Abortion is murder. And when the regime in Washington legalized, sanctioned and legitimized this practice, they forfeited their legitimacy and moral authority to govern."

Crazy thing is, I have heard Christians say that exact sentence. When you start sounding like a homicidal bombing freak, maybe it's time to revisit how you work out your faith in the real world.

Muslim Terrorist Kills Christian Missionaries An Egyptian man who was studying Jihad and how to make bombs went into a crowded Egyptian bazaar last Thursday with some exposives and some nails. The bomb went off, killing four people, injuring dozens of others. One of the men killed was a 21-year missionary from Mars Hill Church in Grand Rapids, the church that Rob Bell pastors. He and his brother were finishing up a several-month long journey through Africa, helping out missionaries in Africa.

Tough loss for that community back here. Pray for their parents and the young man's brother, who is in a hospital in Cairo, recovering from his wounds. Hard to understand, sometimes, why things happen. In his sermon eulogizing the young man, Rob Bell points to the story in John, where Jesus cries for Lazarus. He notes that Jesus spends NO TIME speculating on the whys. He doesn't postulate reasons, or give a Bible verse or two.

It's important when tragedy hits for us not to do that, either.

Second point Bell makes is that Jesus felt the full brunt of the emotional pain. It says in the text that his heart was overcome with sorrow. In order to feel great joy, you have to feel great pain. And if the Lord of the Universe needs a good cry, then so do I.

Wise words.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Helliwell here. Puma was the code name for OS X 10.0. I think 10.1 was Cheetah. Then Panther (10.2), then Jaguar (10.3). So there aren't many big cats left. Fortunately, Apple is slowing down the releases, so Lion, Ocelot, Bobcat, Lynx may well serve for a good many years to come. Then they can switch to domestic varieties: Manx, Persian, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Calico. :-)

1:57 PM

Blogger Jonathan Ziman said...

As long as we never see "Feral" I think we'll be ok.

12:42 PM


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