Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Naked Japanese Guys and Father's Day

I had my first Father's Day this past Sunday. Well, my first one as an actual father.

I was speaking this weekend at a Single's Conference for Menlo Park Prebyterian Church - one of the largest churches in the Bay Area - in Monterey. Heading into the retreat, I was terrified. MPPC is the church where John Ortberg is a pastor. John Ortberg is one of the men in this world who I admire the most. And I had this fear that I'd totally mess up, and someone would go up to him and say:

"Hey John. You know that black book you have where you keep your list of complete dolts who you never want to have contact with? Well, I have another name for that list."

Anyway, so I was a bit worried, but it went really well. Hopefully I didn't make his list.

Afterwards, Nicole and Justus and I went to Monterey. It was gorgeous, but I found a number of things:

1. It's tough to take a stroller through sand.
2. When you choose a place to set up for your picnic, try to steer clear from Japanese guys wearing speedos.
3. If you happen to set up your picnic next to a Japanese guy in a speedo, make sure it's really a Japanese guy in a speedo and not some woman sunbathing topless.

These are things I learned.

Kinda awkward.

Anyway, it was a great picnic - I just faced the other way. Justus got me some great gifts. He got me a card that had a daddy whale and a baby whale. I think it might have been my wife's way of hinting I need to lose weight.

He got me a picture that he and his mommy took at a portrait studio that I can put on my desk.

He got me an iPod shuffle, so I don't have to work out with my big expensive iPod and worry about it breaking.

So that rocks.


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