Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Second Thought: Maybe Denver Isn't So Nice...

So ever have something happen that suddenly makes you appreciate something you didn't appreciate before? Like, your friend leaves for a year-long mission trip and you realize how much you miss them. Or, you give up chocolate for Lent and you realize just how yummilicious the liqueur from that sweet cacao bean is.

So yesterday, on the Fourth of July, we were invited over to Scot's neighbor's house for a barbecue. I was impressed because
a: these people had never met us and were giving us grilled filet mignon and
b: these people were grilling filet mignon.

It is on rare times such as this that although I love and support my wife's decision to be vegetarian, I think she's plain nuts. Meat is good.

Anyway, my friend Kari was starting conversation and mentioned they were moving from California to the Chicago area. The person she was talking to - a guest of this family - had a weird reaction. She was like, "Well of course you wanted to get out of there. I mean, sheesh. It's California."

Kari got indignant. And so did I.

So I take back all those nice things I said about how if I had to move, I'd move to Denver.

You pick on California, you pick on me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back when I was in college (lo these many years ago) a friend of mine who had grown up in Idaho (which is where I attended college) and had apparently never been out of state thought that California was an evil place with all kinds of crime.

That friend ended up doing some post grad work at a bible college in West Covina, and swiftly learned what California had to offer on the positive side. God has a great sense of humor, I think!

Kim Helliwell

7:20 PM


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