Prayer Request...
Earlier today, at about 8:40, Victoria Cornelia, a Gunderson High School senior was in a car with her friend driving to school. Her friend decided to, as he approached Gunderson, drag race with another car driven by a friend of his down a long, open stretch of road on Chynoweth that runs directly in front of the school. As he approached the school, he lost control of the car, going approximately 80 mph, hit the curb, which flipped the car, slamming it into a palm tree.
Victoria was not wearing a seat belt. She was apparently thrown out of the car's passenger-side window, and was caught under the upside-down hood of the car. The car's roof crumpled and the engine fuel lines caught fire. Paramedics and ambulances were able to pull Victoria out.
I know this because kids came running into my room during the passing period between 1st and 2nd period telling me that there was a car, flipped over, on fire right outside the school. Kids gathered in the front parking lot to watch the whole thing unfold. It was pretty awful.
Right now, Victoria is in critical condition at Valley Medical Center. Unfortunately, she has a spinal chord injury which has left her completely paralyzed and ventilator dependent. There does not appear to be any brain damage as she was able to respond to questions by blinking earlier today. The next 48 hours will be critical with regard to her survival and recovery.
As for the driver, he sustained minor injuries, was stitched up and released (and promptly cited by the police for numerous offenses).
So. Yeah.
Three days until graduation. Three. Days.
So. Yeah. Pray.
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