Cowboy Justus
Want to know who the cutest trick-or-treater was on the West Coast? Look no further.

Okay Pardner. I don't want no trouble here, so don't make me reach for my gun.

Want to know who the cutest trick-or-treater was on the West Coast? Look no further.
If you don't hang out much in video arcades - and unless you're 10, you probably don't - then you might not know how popular the stand-up video game Dance, Dance Revolution is. It's basically a game with a platform consisting of eight lights. When those lights light up, you have to step on them with your feet, and then you get points. It's like Light-Up Whack-A-Mole. And it makes you look like you're dancing.
So, I'm not sure how wise this is to post publically, but last night at midnight, someone broke into my 1990 Honda Accord. They then used the garage-door opener to gain access to my garage, where they took a lot of things, including all my power tools (including some my friends had loaned me recently for some work I was doing on the house), my stereo, the iPod I left in Nicole's Camry.
This news story is a big unnerving. Apparently, a company called Eternal Image is selling coffins and urns emblazoned with the logos of several major league baseball teams. The graphic below is an artist's rendering.
So, it's time, I suppose, for a Tieche October Update.
Not really, says author and Christian Bill McKibben. His article exposes the central hypocrisy of American Christianity and raises some tough questions for those of us who are serious about this Jesus fellow.