Tieche Sermon on Sex

Over Thanksgiving, because of some unfortunate arrangements on the part of the pastoral staff, I had the unenviable task of being slated to speak on the main stage on week 3 of our sermon series, which was titled "Desperate Households." The title is obviously a take-off of the hit television show "Desperate Housewives."
Anyway, week 3 was about sex. So. Yeah.
There were two parts probably worth calling attention to. The first was my opening joke, which I thought was pretty funny. I was about my family at Thanksgiving.
The second part is a little more startling. A few years ago, there was a song out whose lyrics went "You and me babe, ain't nothin' but mammals, so let's do like they do on the Discovery Channel." the point in my sermon was about how that sentiment simply isn't true. Sex isn't just sex for humans. It's holistic. We are not just animals, we have the Imago Dei - the image of God. Which explains why there are so few break-up songs sung by tigers and dogs. To show that our emotions and souls are wrapped up in this thing called sex, I created a medley of some of the most famous break-up songs of all time. And then I sang this medley acapella.
It sounded like a good idea at the time.
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