Monday, July 18, 2005

A Couple of Ends Come Together; Also Tieche Sermons Now Available Online

So I tried something the other day. I wrote a sermon around a song.

The song is called "Held" and it's by Natalie Grant. It was written by a woman named Christa Evans who, in the span of two months, saw her two best friends go through unspeakable tragedy. One, who had gone through 3 miscarriages, finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy. One morning, she and her husband woke up to find the baby died of SIDS. Crib death, it's called. Two months later, her other best friend's husband went into the doctor's office because of headaches. He was diagnosed with brain cancer and died in just a few months.

How do you process that? The song is one of the best I've heard in the last 6 months. Check it out.

It just so happened, by sheer coincidence that I began studying a passage in the Bible where John the Baptist asks Jesus if he is going to be released from prison and certain death, or if he's going to die. Jesus responds, cryptically, that John will not get out of prison.

I tied the two together, throwing in a clip from the movie "Signs" where Mel Gibson's character Graham Hess - who lost his wife in a traffic accident - tells his family that he is not wasting one more minute of his life on prayer, because clearly God does not hear or care or answer.

We're also trying to podcast the whole message for folks. I'd like to thank my brilliant IT guy, Steve "Duct Tape" Ferrero, who at 19, is one of the sharpest guys I've ever met in my life. If you'd like, you can download the message here.


Blogger David Tieche said...

Ken Hankoff.

THE Ken Hankoff?

DAVESPEAKS is honored to have you as a guest. For those of you who don't know, Ken is the IT director that holds FCC together. wishes to thank you, and not to piss you off in any way, lest you reset our passwords or mess with our keyboards to make them fodsf';aadjf;dsafjads;fa

10:45 PM

Blogger Jonathan Ziman said...

Since we can no longer hear your sermons in person, it was AWESOME to be able to download it and listen in iTunes.

Many thanks to all the IT folks at FCC for this!!

I eagerly await a Take2 podcast I can subscribe to... Or a First Wednesday podcast... Or a Pastor Bill podcast...

And by the way Dave, great sermon. I had not thought about John the Baptist in that way at all, nor did I understand all the ramifications of what Jesus told him. Fascinating stuff.

2:19 PM

Blogger David Tieche said...

Tuesday, July 18.

JZiman contacted me today. Said he liked the sermon. Will not need another compliment for 97 days. Tank full.


10:12 PM

Blogger Stephen F said...

Wow, its an honor to be mentioned on the DaveSpeaks blog. I thank you for your kind words, and deep thoughts.

It has been a tough journey getting here... To success that is. I would like to thank my parents for conceiving me, and my grandparents for conceiving them, and my great grand parents...

OK, I'm just kidding. I just wanted to let the people know what we are planning on making Dave's sermons subscribe-able and we will be pod-casting the main service as well!

(oh and as for that keyboard problem, it seems that someone has re-arranged your keys and removed your spacebar, I'll get right on that.)

Thanks Dave,

12:21 AM


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