Friday, August 26, 2005

You want some crack? Aisle 5 at Safeway.

This is astounding. Most of the time when I hear about news in San Francisco, I usually smile. San Fran is always on the edge. Sometimes, that's cool, other times, it's just dumb.

San Francisco's city council has a problem. Recently, a number of stores haver cropped up that are selling marijauna. That's right: stores that actually sell marijauna. Selling weed. In glass jars on the counter. Like licorice sticks. Only more expensive.

Now, ostensibly this is for medical purposes for people with perscriptions. But apparently, there's no regulatory agency to make sure those are the only people getting it. You can read about it in today's Mercury News (S.F. ground zero in pot club fight).

Now, I don't know how I feel about medical marijuana. My mother-in-law is a nurse. She says that the exact same medical benefits can be derived from taking marijauna in a capsule. In fact, she says, it's more potent. But people just want to smoke out, I guess.

I suppose I'm not opposed to marijauna in pill form. I mean, I'm not opposed to tylenol or vicodin.

But this is just...well...nuts.


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