How Squirrels Could Free Us From Dependence on Foreign Oil

In regard to the environment, why is no one covering this story.
Apparently, in Santa Monica, the squirrel population is growing so feverishly that officials are injecting squirrels with immuno-contraceptive vaccine to stunt their sexual development. This is surprising for a number of reasons. First, have you ever tried to catch a squirrel? How are they going to do that? Perhaps they are going to use sniper marksmen from the Forest Services to shoot little tiny syringes at the squirrels while they are at play. This sounds like a complicated process.
As one commentator said, "After they inject the squirrels, they are going to pass out little tiny informational pamphlets. Really tiny. The size of postage stamps."
Maybe they will be titled "Squirrel Straight Talk: The Truth about Nuts."
That last sentence was probably inappropriate.
If only we could harness the power of squirrel libido.
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